Showing posts with label personality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personality. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2010

30 Days of Truth

I heard about this meme from a blog I recently added to my Reader after a random follow on Twitter (if this isn't a web, then I don't know what is). I found it highly intriguing. Since I like to think of myself as an honest person and my blog tends to bog down so much nowadays, I thought it might be something fun to do.

Then I read through all the days,

Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.

Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.

Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.

Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.

Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.

Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.

Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.

Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.

Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)

Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.

Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?

Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?

Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.

Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself

And I thought, AWWW HELL NO!  The only and only day of truth I need is Day 2...

I am NOT a honest person. ;)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Never Mind

Remember last week when I was all excited about my most recent bout? Yeah, never mind.

I skated in about five jams before I was ejected. Yep, that's me...the low block. That low block was actually a swift kick to a skate. Just what you'd expect from a mature, experienced skater.

Instead of going into the history of me and my former league (which is already documented here), I'm going to delve into the ancient history of me and my uncontrolled emotions. It all started when I was called into the office in fifth grade for laughing at a classmate during a school program. Yes, my class was on stage in front of the entire student body and parents, and I laughed out loud when somebody forgot their lines. Mostly because I knew everybody's lines. I was a smartass punk when I was ten. Anyway, our principal caught me afterwards, told me to come see him in the morning, and spent what seemed like an eternity explaining how I should learn to control my emotions. Either that was too much for a fifth-grader to comprehend or I've spent the past thirty years rebelling against that first trip to the principal's office.

In high school, my emotions often got the better of me on the basketball court. I can't tell you the number of times I was ejected from games from technical fouls. I remember most clearly throwing the ball directly into the stomach of an opponent because I was tired of her rubbing her flab all over me. I mean, really, that's just disgusting. When you enter my egotistical world in such a fashion, you get what you deserve.

Surprisingly, there weren't any outbursts during my tackle football stint. Maybe I didn't feel as noticable. I wasn't the smartest or the fastest or the best rebounder or the best blocker. I didn't stand a foot taller than everyone, for the most part. When I go unnoticed, it's easy for me to stay that way. When I stand out like a sore thumb, it gets a little dicey.

So as you can imagine, my derby career has been one lesson after another in controlling my emotions...lessons I usually fail. I don't regret anything, and I don't see any reason to apologize for being myself. I do wish I wouldn't have let my team down, but I have a few more chances to redeem myself this season before I decide to move on yet again. Maybe I was born in the wrong roller derby era, and my heart really belongs to the spectacle it was thirty years ago instead of the sport it's trying to be now. Does anybody know where I can get involved in that? ;) Yeah, never mind.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Should Get Paid for This

I'm not going to dwell on the fact that I'm socially inept at gift-giving. I can usually disguise it by showing up with a bottle of Patron everywhere I go, but it gets harder to hide that major personality flaw around the holidays. The Kitten, (most of) the nieces and nephews, and the in-laws aren't really interested in getting drunk and naked, you know.

What I am going to harp on is that fact that it's socially acceptable to maintain a wishlist nowadays. Get your butt online and start one. Check out this helpful post on Lifehacker for some top wishlist tools. A wishlist not only makes life easier for your socially-inept loved ones, it also organizes your own thoughts. I would never be able to keep track of what The Kitten wants for Christmas if I didn't rush to Amazon everytime her eyes widen.

By the way, if you haven't been using a reader to follow interesting blogs like Lifehacker, you really are living in the dark ages. Haven't you heard that blogs are dying a slow, painful death? Oh, wait, that's just mine.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Blog is More Entertaining Than I Am

Give your blog a personality test. My blog's personality:

ESFP - The Performers
The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead - they are always at risk of exhausting themselves.

They enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.

I took a personality test at work a few months ago, and I was a Senser.

Place a high value on action. They thrive on getting things done here and now, without unnecessary and time-consuming deliberations. They are direct, down-to-earth, and energetic.

Close, but blog is a little too touchy-feely for me.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm Swamped Over Here!

And some say that I overreact...but sometimes I just question my femininity.

Oh, Humberto, thanks for the break from reality.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Strange Maps

I added this blog to my feed reader awhile ago, and anyone who has been inside my house would instantly know why. I am fascinated by maps and globes, and I collect functional objects featuring maps or in the shape of globes, such as watches with map faces or a pencil sharpener globe. So I'm sure you're all thinking, "Great! I know what to get Catazon for her birthday/Christmas/thanks for being wonderful", but really, it's not necessary, because I probably already have it. Now back to the Strange Map blog...

Yesterday, "A Texan's Map of the United States" was posted. Those who know me well enough to know about my map and globe fetish also know that I'm very proud to be a Texan. I can vouch for the accuracy of this map, and I think I've even convinced a Yankee or two.

"I've been sent to spread the message, God blessed Texas!" ~ Little Texas

Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm Obsessed

My obsession with lolcats works up an appetite.

Your Score: Sad Cookie Cat
58% Affectionate, 31% Excitable, 80% Hungry

You are the classic Shakespearian tragedy of the lolcat universe. The sad story of baking a cookie, succumbing to gluttony, and in turn consuming the very cookie that was to be offered. Bad grammar ensues.

To see all possible results, checka dis.

Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What Are You Hiding Under Your Sk*rt?

Last year, I enjoyed an extraordinary season with the Burlesque Brawlers of the Houston Roller Derby. Sometimes I would jam back-to-back and get lead jammer both times. Sometimes I would send the opposing jammer into the crowd and skate away. Sometimes my eyes would glow, and girls would just fall down. Well, that last one might be an exaggeration...

When I was excited about my performance, I would share my excitement with the crowd by showing them what I was hiding under my skirt.
Ah, yes...the Meow Butt. It became something so much more than a cheeky gimmick. Wasn't long before the announcers would start calling it out before I could even flash it. Many people made me smile through my injuries by just saying, "Meowch!" Really, I just hope I inspired others to quit taking themselves so seriously, because God knows I started having a lot more fun when I learned how to laugh at myself.

Why am I sharing this today? This was posted as a way to promote a new website called sk*rt. I can win a bunch of cool stuff if you go over there and vote for me. You can do a revealing post, too, and I'll vote for you!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

How Much Does a Dream Cost?

When I hurt, I like to know that there are others out there who feel my pain. I read sad books, I watch sad movies, and I listen to sad songs. This morning, I spent a few minutes looking for quotations on the darker side of dreams. Here are a couple that perfectly describe my current state of mind:
"We cast away priceless time in dreams, born of imagination, fed upon illusion, and put to death by reality." Judy Garland

"We live, as we dream--alone..." Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm Officially (in)Famous!

Jenny at Mama Drama, a big fan of Houston Roller Derby since we set her straight on whether or not roller derby was family-friendly, has featured Catazon in today's post as a plea to the producers of the Amazing Race to pick the roller derby twosome. Be nice and read the whole thing instead of scrolling down to the paragraph about me! Then come back and see what I have to say about the assumptions she has made about three of my possible future endeavors.

Although it is highly possible that I could be a Presidential candidate since I would run as a Libertarian and have considered becoming active in the local party, it would not be pretty once they start dragging the skeletons out of the closet. I'll skip that one to avoid embarrassing my family although it is nearly impossible to embarrass myself (as Jenny said, I did crawl on a pool table in lingerie).

Something as small and sprite as a leprechaun would surely give an Amazon a run for the money. If I was able to outsmart him and he started treating me like Darby O'Gill, I'd kick him to the curb in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, my legacy will be "The One that Broke Stuff", not "The One that Fixed Stuff." I accept the fact that I'm a bull in a china shop. It no longer frustrates me. So I can guarantee I won't be finding cures for anything, and I know not to even try.

Thank you, Jenny. Watch out, Hollywood!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Six Weird Things About Me

The first "player" of this game starts with the topic "six weird habits/things about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their six weird habits/things as well as to state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "You've been tagged" in their MySpace comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I hate the word "pork". I'll eat ham, bacon, etc., but nothing that is described by that exact word. I even hate to say the word and found it difficult to type.

2. I have worn the same pair of earrings for over two years without taking them out at all.

3. I don't like to eat foods that leave something behind on your plate, such as anything on a bone, fruit, crawfish...

4. I used to make sure my house was SPOTLESS before I went on an overnight trip just in case I never made it back, and it still makes me nervous to leave something out of place, but I now have a child.

5. I get bored so easily that I find it hard to stay in one job longer than a year.

And the weirdest of them all....6. Seeing eights and threes upside down on gas station signs infuriates me. Well, I shouldn't say infuriate, but I've cursed about it out loud more than once.

Nobody tagged...